Education and Skills

Georgia Tech Logo
Georgia Institute of Technology -- GPA: 3.75/4.00

Master of Science in Computer Science (Specialization in Machine Learning)

University of Florida Logo
University of Florida -- GPA: 3.31/4.00

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering

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Machine Learning Icon
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News App

React front end application that fetches the top 20 news articles for a particular topic. It also uses the Markada API to analyze the overall sentiment.

Technologies used:
Markada - Sentiment Analysis API

Markada is a financial news sentiment analysis application developed to predict short term volatility of financial assets.

Technologies used:
Number Detection and Recognition App

Computer vision project used to recognize and detect street house numbers in videos and images.

College Reminder

iOS app used for assisting students to keep track of their courses, assignments, and grades.

Sharks in Mars

A simple space invader iOS game designed to compete with your friends and compare highest scores.

Portfolio Website

My portfolio website create from scratch using HTML and CSS and Boostrap

Technologies used:


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